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  • 阀财通指数:40
  • 电 话:020-32201622 ,15876552411
    传 真:020-32034306
    地 址:广州市天河区珠吉街珠村东环路110号珠园大厦402室

Fisher™ EZR 系列减压调压器的简单介绍


Fisher™ EZR 系列减压调压器的详细信息

ZR 型指挥器作用式减压调压器运行准确、流畅、安静,关断严密,使用寿命长,即使在脏污工况中也能有很好的表现。 EZR 系列可安装在各种应用中,如天然气输送/分输系统、工业和商业设施。 EZROSX 型可用于关断设备,通过完全地阻止气体流向下流系统,提供过压和/或欠压保护。广州奥丽斯特燃气设备有限公司是美国FISHER产品华南区域(广东省)艾默生集团授权代理商2020美国FISHER技术选型020*叁贰贰0162S中国费希尔调压网www.zgfisher.com 【张工15876552411手机同微XIN


防碎屑保护—EZR 系列阀笼创新性的流体通路可以减少碎屑带来的损伤,而不锈钢入口粗滤器可以防止大块的碎屑损伤阀膜。

运行安静标准阀笼可实现一流的减噪效果,使 EZR 产品较同类的柔性元件调压器噪声低 6-8 dBa


更大的液体处理能力—EZR 系列的流体路径可获得最佳的液体处理能力,且运行极为安静。 Fisher™ 产品经实验室检测,其公布的产品流体数据皆能 100% 实现。


高精度—161EB 系列、161AY 系列和 PRX/120 先导型提供了多出口压力范围和窄比例段,赋予 EZR 系列紧密且精确的控制能力。

一体化切断—EZR-OSX 型切断在出现过压或失压时会中断供气。


EZL 型:控制范围为 6 in w.c. 1000 psig / 15 mbar 68.9 bar
EZLOSX 型:EZR 型带一体化 OS2 式快速关断设备


阀体尺寸:NPS 1, 2x1, 2, 3, 4, 6x4, 8x4, 6, 8, 8x6, 12x6 / DN 25, 50x25, 50, 80, 100, 200x100, 150, 200, 200x150, 300x150
端面连接:150RF, 300RF, 600RF, NPT, 125FF, 250RF, SWE, BWE


最大操作入口压力:1050 psig / 72 bar
最大操作压差:800 psid / 55 bar d
最大紧急入口和压差:1050 psid / 72 bar d


6 in. w.c. 1000 psig / 15 mbar 69.0 bar


-20 260°F / -29 127°C

Type EZR pilot-operated, pressure reducing regulator designed to give accurate, smooth, quiet operation, tight shutoff, and long life, even in dirty service. EZR Series can be installed in various applications such as natural gas transmission/distribution systems, industrial and commercial facilities. The Type EZROSX is available with a slam-shut device which provides overpressure protection and/or under pressure protection by completely shutting off the flow of gas to the downstream system.


Tight Shutoff—The metal plug is designed to deflect particles and debris away from the diaphragm, providing superior shutoff and increasing the time between maintenance intervals.

Debris Protection—The revolutionary flow path of the EZR Series cage minimizes the damage from debris while the stainless steel inlet strainer prevents large particles from damaging the diaphragm.

Quiet Operation—The standard cage provides best-in-class noise reduction, making the EZR Series 6-8 dBa quieter than comparable flexible element regulators.

Long Life—The field proven dipahragm design incorporates layered fabric, a raised bead edge and molded shape to increase strength, durability, and service life

High Capacity—The flow path of the EZR Series produces best-in-class capacity combined with the quietest operation. Fisher™ products are laboratory tested so 100% of the published flow capacity can be used with confidence.

Travel Indicator—Simplifies in-service inspection and system troubleshooting

High Accuracy—Multiple outlet pressure ranges and narrow proportional bands offered by the 161EB Series, 161AY Series and Type PRX/120 pilots provide the EZR Series with tight, accurate control.

Integrated Slamshut—Type EZR-OSX slam-shut interrupts gas service during an overpressure or underpressure condition.


Available Configurations Type EZR: Control Range of 6 inches w.c. to 1000 psig / 15 mbar to 68,9 bar

Type EZROSX: Type EZR with an integrated Type OS2 slam-shut device

Body Sizes and End Connection Styles Body Sizes: NPS 1, 2x1, 2, 3, 4, 6x4, 8x4, 6, 8, 8x6, 12x6 / DN 25, 50x25, 50, 80, 100, 200x100, 150, 200, 200x150, 300x150

End Connections: 150RF, 300RF, 600RF, NPT, 125FF, 250RF, SWE, BWE

Main Valve Pressure Ratings Maximum Operating Inlet Pressure: 1050 psig / 72 bar

Maximum Operating Differential Pressure: 800 psid / 55 bar d

Maximum Emergency Inlet and Differential Pressure: 1050 psid / 72 bar d

Outlet Pressure Ranges 6-inches w.c. to 1000 psig / 15 mbar to 69.0 bar

Temperature Capabilities -20 to 260°F / -29 to 127°C

Fisher China Guangzhou Honest Gas Equipment Co., LTD. www.zgfisher.com


Mobile phone|weixin:15876552411



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联系人:张唯 联系电话:020-32201622 传真:020-32034306 地址:广州市天河区珠吉街珠村东环路110号珠园大厦402室