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当前位置:全球阀门网 > 阀门供求 > 泵浦 > 柱塞泵 > 其他柱塞泵 > 进口直接驱动柱塞泵 压滤机 往复式 高压径向 立式 液压 美国劳斯ROUTH

进口直接驱动柱塞泵 压滤机 往复式 高压径向 立式 液压 美国劳斯ROUTH

进口直接驱动柱塞泵 压滤机 往复式 高压径向 立式 液压 美国劳斯ROUTH
  • 电 话:400-850-8288 ,19835666797 联系人:施先生
  • (联系时,请一定说明是从全球阀门网看到的,本网不参与交易过程,谨慎交易)
供应名称: 进口直接驱动柱塞泵 压滤机 往复式 高压径向 立式 液压 美国劳斯ROUTH 产地:
规格: 选型 ROUTH-RT 4236元 177台可售 4236元 单价: 价格面议
最小起订量: 0 供应总量: 充足
阀财通指数: 0 工商注册信息: 已通过阀门网认证
pumps 系列高压三缸柱塞泵设计用于需要非常高压力的应用。这些容积式柱塞泵适用于工业和海洋市场中的超高压应用。这些 柱塞泵能够产生高达 690 巴的压力,并且可以处理粘度高达 500cp 的流体。

进口直接驱动柱塞泵 压滤机 往复式 高压径向 立式 液压 美国劳斯ROUTH

pumps 系列高压三缸柱塞泵设计用于需要非常高压力的应用。这些容积式柱塞泵适用于工业和海洋市场中的超高压应用。这些 柱塞泵能够产生高达 690 巴的压力,并且可以处理粘度高达 500cp 的流体。

美国劳斯ROUTH在是久负盛名的工业集团。集团各项业务均以其、创新能力。集团拥有约650名员工和6个合作生产基地,为其旗下品牌ROUTH提供“泵阀和流体技术”服务。采用合作的方式与客户共事。这也是好的方式以确保了解客户的业务和保证集团的解决方案能够满足客户需求。多样性确保了ROUTH能够理解您的业务和需求。当今的ROUTH的发展是基于企业内部增长,创新, 并购的结果。 质量,安全, 效率和产能是ROUTH的重点策略。

ROUTH of the United States is a well-known industrial group in the world. All businesses of the Group are renowned worldwide for their professionalism and innovative capabilities.The group has about 650 employees and 6 cooperative production bases, providing "pump valve and fluid technology" services for its brand ROUTH.Take a collaborative approach to working with customers. It is also the best way to ensure a complete understanding of the client's business and to ensure that the Group's solutions meet client needs. Diversity ensures that ROUTH understands your business and needs.The development of today's ROUTH is based on the results of internal growth, innovation, and mergers and acquisitions. Quality, Safety, Efficiency and Capacity are ROUTH's key strategies.

致力为客户作出贡献.(Committed to contributing to global customers.)


Always by your side. When you buy ROUTH products, your gains will be far greater than the value of the equipment. You can receive a lifelong reliable commitment, and your investment will far exceed your expectations

子公司和总销商(Subsidiaries and Distributors)


ROUTH conducts business through joint venture/fully funded/holding/subsidiaries, offices and independent general distributors, covering more than 80 countries.

国际化的供应链(International supply chain)


Reliability and fast delivery times are the top concerns of customers. Focusing on lean management and flexible production, ROUTH strives to provide excellent service. The supply chain ensures that we can optimize production and delivery time. According to the group's strategic arrangement, we have delib




龙韵(厦门)机械科技有限公司【Dragon Rhyme®】始于2005年,是致力于泵阀解决方案的供应商。在厦门、北京、泉州、海南保税区设置运营中心、中转仓,主要从事进口泵阀机械的进出口贸易与销售服务;




其它其他柱塞泵供应信息 更多

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联系人:施先生 联系电话:400-850-8288 ,19835666797 传真:0592-7688808 地址:厦门市湖里区殿前街道办高殿村殿前社2号厂房