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  • 电 话:13292251185 ,13292251185 联系人:张经理
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供应名称: 固定卷扬式启闭机安装及试运转 产地: 河北省冀州市西王镇
规格: QPQ 单价: 价格面议
最小起订量: 0 供应总量: 充足
阀财通指数: 0 工商注册信息: 已通过阀门网认证

一 启闭设备到达施工现场后,应按DL/T5019-94《水利水电工程启闭机制造安装及验收规范》(以下简称“DL/T5019”)的有关规定进行全面检查,经检查合格后,方可进行安装。   二 应检查基础螺拴埋设位置,螺栓埋入深度及露出部分的长度应准确。   三 应检查启闭机平台高程,其偏差不应大于±5mm,水平偏差不应大于0.5/1000。   四 启闭机的安装应根据起吊中心找正,其纵、横向中心线偏差不应超过±3.0mm。   五 缠绕在卷筒上的钢丝绳长度,当吊点在下限位置时,留在卷筒上的圈数不宜少于4圈,当吊点在上限位置时,钢丝绳不得缠绕到卷筒的光筒部分。   六 双吊点启闭机吊距误差不宜超过±3.0mm;钢丝绳拉紧后,两吊轴中心线应在同一水平上,其高差在孔口内不得超过5.0mm。   七 启闭机电气设备的安装应符合SD315-93《固定卷扬式启闭机通用技术条件》中的有关规定。   八 电气设备通电试验前应认真检查全部接线并应符合图样规定,整个线路的绝缘电阻必须大于0.5MΩ才可开始通电试验。试验中各电动机和电气元件温升不应超过各自的允许值,试验应采用该机自身的电气设备。试验中若触头等元件有烧灼者,应查明原因并予以更换。   九 启闭机空载试验全行程应上、下升降3次。对下列电气和机械部分应进行检查和调整。   1 电动机运行应平稳,三相电流不平衡度不应超过±10%,并应测出电流值。   2 电气设备应无异常发热现象。   3 应检查和调试限位开关(包括充水平压开度接点),开关动作应准确可靠。   4 高度指示器和荷重指示器应准确反映行程和重量、到达上下极限位置后,主令开关应能发出信号并自动切断电流,使启闭机停止运转。   5 所有机械部件运转时,均不应有冲击声和其他异常声音;钢丝绳在任何部位均不得与其他部件相摩擦。   6 制动闸瓦松闸时应全部打开,间隙应符合要求,并测出松闸电流值。   7 对快速闸门启闭机利用直流电流松闸时,应分别检查和记录松闸直流电流值和松闸持续2min电磁线圈的温度。   十 启闭机负荷试验,应将闸门在门槽内无水或静水中全行程上下升降2次;对于动水启闭的工作闸门或动水闭静水启的事故闸门,应在设计水头动水工况下升降2次,对于泵站出口快速闸门,应在设计水头动水工况下,作全行程的快速关闭试验。   负荷试验时应检查下列电气和机械部分:   1 电动机运行应平稳,三相电流不平衡度不应大于±10%,并应测出电流值。   2 电气设备应无异常发热现象。   3 所有保护装置和信号应准确可靠。   4 所有机械部件在运转中不应有冲击声,开放式齿轮啮合工况应符合要求。   5 制动器应无打滑、无焦味和无冒烟现象。   6 荷重指示器与高度指示器的读数应能准确反映闸门在不同开度下的启闭力值,误差不得超过±5%。   7 对于快速闸门启闭机快速开启时间不得超过2min;快速关闭的最大速度不得超过5m/min;电动机(或调速器)的最大转速不得超过电动机额定转速的两倍。离心式调速器的摩擦面,其最高温度不得超过200℃。采用直流电源松闸时,电磁铁线圈的最高温度不得超过100℃。   8 试验结束后机构各部分不得有破裂、永久变形、连接松动或损坏。

After the opening and closing equipment arrived at the construction site, should according to the DL/T5019-94 "water conservancy and hydropower project opening and closing mechanism building installation and acceptance standard" (hereinafter referred to as the "DL/T5019") regulations to conduct a comprehensive inspection, after inspection, before being installed. 2 check the foundation screw tied embedding location, bolt embedment depth and the length of the part should be accurate. Three should check the hoist platform height, its deviation should not be greater than + / - 5 mm, horizontal deviation should not be more than 0.5/1000. According to lifting hoist installation should center alignment, the transverse and longitudinal center line of deviation shall not be more than + / - 3.0 mm. Five winding length of wire rope on the drum, when the lifting point on the lower limit position, left on the drum number should not be less than 4 times, when lifting point position in cap, not winding wire rope to the light of the reel drum. Six pairs of lifting point hoist crane distance error should not be more than + / - 3.0 mm; Wire rope tension, the hoisting shaft centerline should be on the same level, the elevation difference within the orifice shall not exceed 5.0 mm. Seven crane electrical equipment installation shall comply with SD315-93 "fixed winding type hoist general technical conditions" of the relevant provisions. Before eight electric power test should carefully check all wiring and should comply with the regulations of design, the whole circuit of the insulation resistance must be greater than 0.5 M Ω just can start to test. Test in various motors and electrical components temperature rise shall not exceed their respective housings, test the machine's own electrical equipment should be adopted. Test if the first element in a burning, should find out the reason and to replace. Nine full hoist no-load test stroke should be upper and lower lifting three times. For electrical and mechanical parts of the following should be checked and adjusted. 1 motor running should be smooth, three phase current balance should not be more than + / - 10%, and should be measured current value. 2 electrical equipment should be no abnormal fever phenomenon. 3 should check and debugging limit switch (including the filling level of the opening of the pressure contact), switch action should be accurate and reliable. 4 height indicator and load indicator should accurately reflect the stroke and the weight, arrived at the upper and lower limit position, command switch should be able to signal and automatically cut off the current, make the opening and closing machine stop running. 5 all mechanical parts during operation, there should be no impact and other abnormal sound; At any location shall be friction with other components. 6 brake shoe brake should be opened entirely, clearance should comply with the requirements, and loose brake current value is measured. 7 for loose lock gate hoist using dc current, should be checked and recorded respectively loose brake dc current value and the temperature of the brake electromagnetic coil lasts 2 min. Ten hoist load test, the gate should be no water inside the gate slot or static water whole trip lifting up and down 2 times; For the work of moving water opening and closing valve or gate closed hydrostatic and dynamic water accident, should be the design head moving water lifting 2 times, under the condition of the pumping station exit gate, where should be the design head moving water conditions, the whole trip down quickly test. Load test should check electrical and mechanical parts of the following: 1 motor running should be smooth, three phase current balance should not be more than + / - 10%, and the current value should be measured. 2 electrical equipment should be no abnormal fever phenomenon. 3 all protection device and the signal should be accurate and reliable. 4 all mechanical parts in the operation should not be rushing sound, open gear meshing condition should comply with the requirement. 5 brake should be no sliding, no coke flavour and no smoking. Six load indicator and height indicator reading should be able to accurately reflect the gate under different opening of hoisting load values, the error must not exceed + / - 5%. 7 for quick gate hoist quick opening time shall not exceed 2 min; Quickly close the maximum speed of not more than 5 m/min. Maximum speed motor (or speed) shall not be more than twice the rated speed of the motor. The centrifugal governor of friction surface, the highest temperature should not exceed 200 ℃. Using dc power supply when the brake, the highest temperature should not exceed 100 ℃ electromagnet coil. 8 after the test institutions must not have the parts broken, permanent deformation, loose connection or damage.
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联系人:张经理 联系电话:13292251185 ,13292251185 传真:0318-8833439 地址:冀州市西王镇